UK Sewing Machines

Singer PSW V.2

Singer sewing Machines

Singer (PSW) PROFESSIONAL SEW WARE V2 Singer Downloadable Workbook for PSW 2.0 Professional Sew Ware Editing, Lettering and Digitizing Software and Converter Box. Singer PSW 2.0 - Professional Sew-Ware will work with all home embroidery machines and all formats except .jef, .art and .shv. It only comes with one blank rewritable smart media card plus a reader/writer slot for XL1000/150 larger size blank card that is not included. Professional Sew-Ware is state-of-the-art embroidery design software from Singer. It is a freestanding program, not an add-on program to the previous versions of PSW. It works with your personal computer to expand the capabilities of the Quantum XL series embroidery machines. Expand your creativity by customizing your own designs with easy, three-step digitizing and many built-in designs, fonts, stitches and frames. Includes a READER-Writer Box, allowing it to read all existing Singer Embroidery cards and transfer to Smart Media blank card. Compatible with any Singer Quantum embroidery machine from the XL100 to the XL6000 Reads designs back to the computer from the Converter Box Reads and saves in most of the popular home formats, except .shv, .art and .jef. Also able to read the most popular commercial formats including DST and EXP. Redesigned and improved Multiple Hooping programming to match multiple hooping built in the XL1000, 5000 and 6000. Continuous Hooping of border and lace even if fabric is not straight in hoop. Creates original pattern step fills and special stitch motifs. Expanded Library of designs and lettering Expanded Font list Auto Digitizing of True-Type Fonts in satin or step satin stitch Paste designs into one screen

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